Saturday, July 23, 2011

Brand new baby dolphin born

10:45 a.m.
Wind and waves. Leo and I are roaming around the wall of the pier to hunt for crab when I spot the first fin. "Come Leo, let's go together!" I yell, and we start to run to the kayak. With his broken arm still in a casket his movement is still limited and we have to be careful that he doesn't fall off the boat. 
Off we row and then we meet the pod. It's yesterday's group. At least twenty coming down from the north. 
We cut through the waves and the mist soaks Leo who sits in the front. It is like wild water kayaking today. 
While we row next and above the pod the dolphins look at us. We see eye to eye each time they come up to breathe. Normally when they take air only the air hole and the top of the head emerges out of the water. 
Then we spot him: there is a brand new baby dolphin in the pod. He is dark colored and about a meter long. He stays very close to his mother which is surrounded by the rest of the pod. Both swim at the front and the others follow. It seems to be a special day for the group. The baby comes up to breathe every other minute or so. 
Welcome to the world !
After a kilometer we leave our friends and slowly row back through the waves. 
11:45 a.m. we are back on the beach. 

Dolphin expelling used oxygene


3:30 p.m.
While I'm back in our apart to set up a blog for my wife Nicole calls from the beach. I start jogging to the beach. On the way out I meet Vali and Cha. Now we are all running. We are fast enough and meet up with this group right infront of our beach. 
They are very playful, jumping, swimming belly up. 
Charlotte goes in first. All communication channels are open and the water is full of whistling and beeping. There is a couple of young ones that are very playful. 
There is the dolphin that plays with his plastic bag, and there is the one with half of his tail fin missing. I recognize also some other big adults. There is one young dolphin in this group. Altogether they number maybe 10 dolphins. 
We follow the group down south. 

The playful youth

The wind has stopped and the water is flat, the kayak glides well. 
At one point I follow a big adult, we look at each other, swim at 90°, then circles, then we dive. Then he speeds off. 

Cuddly dolphin - shot by Charlotte

Mother and her calf - by Charlotte

Dolphin with a bad scar - by Charlotte

Playful youth again

After awhile the dolphins position themselves in a hunting formation. We leave them and start our way back up the coast. 

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