
10 rules for swimming with wild dolphins

How to get to swim with dolphins !
Try to keep with these rules. You will see, they work ! Let me know if I forgot anything...

1. When you approach don´t drive your boat into the pod !
Dolphins are vulnerable when the come up to breath and they feel threatened when you zoom your boat right over their heads. They will panic ! Instead, drive in parallel next to or well infront of the pod.

2. Don´t make noise !
When approaching with a motor boat or a jetski get off the gas, put in the lowest gear, slow down, approach very slowly. Or best, come with a kayak !
Noise disrupts the dolphins communication, they can´t hear each other and members of the group risk getting lost ! Noisy places are without dolphins !

3. Get into the water infront of the dolphin pod, let them swim towards you !
I guess that is the only way to meet up with bottlenose dolphins except if you attract them with food, which is not recommended.

4. Swim like them !
Don´t swim like a frog (or a human), dolphins are really turned off by it. Keep your hands close to your body and swim with both fins locked - swim like them !

5. Dive !
When you dive down dolphins can see your entire body. Meet them down there, in their element ! Train yourself, try to stay down there longer. Do APNE exercises ( But be careful ( !

6. Hands off !
I know, the temptation is huge to reach out and touch them. Wild dolphins are careful creatures and will just dash away. Let them come close to you but keep your hands to yourself.
And don´t pull strings behind you (to pull your kayak for example) or carry a stick. Dolphins are smart and think you want to catch them or hurt them in some other way and just leave you there and then.

7. Play !
Try to swim belly up to show them you have good intentions.
Do a somersault under water. Swim circles. Hit your fist and make sounds. Engage !

8. Respect the family !
Remember, wild bottlenose dolphin calves are not allowed to play with humans ! So respect their intimacy. Just watch, don´t chase ! You wouldn´t want a wolf to play with your baby daughter or son, would you ?

9. Don´t feed them !

10. Let them get used to you !
Dolphins are smart, they get to know you personally. Come often, let them get used to you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank u 4 posting this! I really hope it works! My family is going to Florida and taking a swim w/ dolphins tour! We really want them to be comfortable w/ us!! I'm so exited to trie theese out! :)