Friday, December 17, 2010

New edition to the dolphin pod !

A new born dolphin calf

It´s the 17th of december, there is a steady slight breeze blowing and the water has gotten quite refreshing. Forget about staying on the beach without a sweater or a wetsuit, it is just too cold. All our noses are running and we sneeze from time to time... but we still hold out !
And here they come...

At around 13h the pod heads down south. We move out on the kayak and when they approach I dip in. Yihaa, a wetsuit does not protect you at first. Icy water gets into the suit then slowly the water gets heated by your body and it only protects you then.

And now comes the pod... there is a tiny new dolphin in the group. This baby is not more than a meter long and incredibly sweet ! He comes up to breathe quite often, literally popping out of the water. Wow, welcome to the world !

Another calf sheltered by his mother

As it is usually the case when you meet the dolphin calves the group stayed tightly together. They passed by without a lot of interaction. It is amazing how tightly the mothers guard their small ones. They really keep them between their two fins. Look at this picture above. The small ones are incredibly curious but the mothers impose a tough discipline.

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