Monday, December 20, 2010



We are happy to announce the launch of our redesigned website. Come for a visit !
Please give us some feedback and advice so that we can continue to improve our services.
With best wishes, looking forward to hearing from you !


Friday, December 17, 2010

A second encounter: The dolphins on their way home

Curious bottlenose dolphin

16h, the sun has set and it is getting chilly. Time to pack up, but hey, we could warm up a little by doing some intensive paddling. And out we go and warm up scanning the horizon.

And there, really far away, I don´t see anything, but I am told by Charlotte, returns the group. They jump and play, even the baby tries to jump. 
They come straight towards us. We move with them for awhile and then decide to go in, overcoming the initial resistance to the cold water. We are actually quite far outside and the water is deep blue. Charlotte is troubled by the shark attack stories of Sharm and hesitates. After all, who knows what´s watching us from below...
But then she goes anyway.

The group gives us a warm welcome. One by one comes and greets us and does a few circles. 

Dolphin meets human

More curious dolphins

Once the calfes had been lead away the adults were at ease and playful
Getting very close - they look like sharks here

From outside the water seemed to be obscure and threateningly dark, but once inside the visibility seemed perfect. The water had a great deep blue and the dolphins stood out in neat silver. It is too bad the photo diving mask can´t handle poor light conditions. All of these great shots turned out blurry. I have attached them anyway, I find they give a good impression of the excitement and thrill we felt.
Very blurry but it shows the dynamic under water

This second encounter today lasted a good 40 minutes and was composed of three dips and moving down 1 km of coast.

Evening swim with the pod

Charlotte swimming with the pod

I got a message from youtube explaining that the music that is underlying this video is copyrighted and therefore this film does not show in Germany. Why don´t they just turn off the sound ?

New edition to the dolphin pod !

A new born dolphin calf

It´s the 17th of december, there is a steady slight breeze blowing and the water has gotten quite refreshing. Forget about staying on the beach without a sweater or a wetsuit, it is just too cold. All our noses are running and we sneeze from time to time... but we still hold out !
And here they come...

At around 13h the pod heads down south. We move out on the kayak and when they approach I dip in. Yihaa, a wetsuit does not protect you at first. Icy water gets into the suit then slowly the water gets heated by your body and it only protects you then.

And now comes the pod... there is a tiny new dolphin in the group. This baby is not more than a meter long and incredibly sweet ! He comes up to breathe quite often, literally popping out of the water. Wow, welcome to the world !

Another calf sheltered by his mother

As it is usually the case when you meet the dolphin calves the group stayed tightly together. They passed by without a lot of interaction. It is amazing how tightly the mothers guard their small ones. They really keep them between their two fins. Look at this picture above. The small ones are incredibly curious but the mothers impose a tough discipline.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The return

After 5 weeks away the bottlenose dolphin pod returned to our bay today at 14h.
The dolphins are back !

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Where did the dolphins go ?

Three weeks since that memorable last Eid holiday - a week of massive jet ski fun - the dolphins have not been seen. They have left our bay.

The sea is empty now and doesn´t make sense.