Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The dolphins of Swan River in Australia

There were actually two of them !
It is yet again confirmed, bottlenose dolphins are everywhere. All you have to do is open your eyes and "see" them !

It had been a great 2014 for my daughter Charlotte. For a couple of month she stayed in LA right on Ocean Boulevard to polish up her english. After classes she often went to the beach and encountered pods of dolphins right there, on LAs beaches, on different occasions.

At the moment she is doing voluntary work in Australia. And this is what she emailed me today:

Charlotte volunteering
Alors que je prenais les dechets des plages du swan river j ai appercu deux dauphins. C etait incroyable!! Ils etaient lents et etaient si pres de la ou j´etais. Il y avait des pierres et j etais la pour ramasser quelques dechets. Ils etaient a 1 metre de moi. Mais ensuite deux bateaux a moeur sont passée et les dauphins ont disparu d un coup
In english: I was picking up litter on the banks of Swan river when I suddenly spotted two dolphins. It was incredible ! They moved slowly right past the spot where I was standing. There were stones where I was picking up the junk. They were about a meter away from me. Then two motorboats appeared and suddenly the dolphins were gone.

Charlotte called out to the rest of the group, but only two of them saw the dolphins. You do need a trained eye to spot them !

Thank you, Charlotte, for this entry !

Can you spot the dolphin ?